Riverside Student Ministry (RSM) exists to make and send disciples who love and live like Jesus. It’s simple, biblical, and fun. We want every student to know God's character,
Riverside Middle School meets We meet Sundays from 11AM-1PM and Riverside High School meets Wednesdays from 6:30PM-8:30PM on our main campus at Riverside Church.
Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on all the cool things happening here at RSM!

Our Sunday Morning Middle School Service is a high-energy service full of fun and excitement for 6th-8th graders! Riverside Middle School meets on Sundays from 10:30am-12:30pm in Auditorium 2.

Small Groups
Spiritual Growth is important. We provide time for our students to breakout into small groups by grade and gender. Here, we challenge students to grow together and provide a safe, welcoming environment for students to talk about real life and their faith with qualified, adult leaders.

Our Adult Small Group Leaders are top notch. They are committed to walking with your student through this school year, helping them grow as a follower of Jesus and supporting them through life. Read more about them here.

Riverside High SChool
Our Wednesday Hangs offer a great opportunity for high school students grades 9th-12th to have fun, worship together, and connect with others from their schools and from the community. Our nights run from 6:30pm–8:30 pm.

Parent Talks
Curated by Axis.org, Parent Guides help you to have confident conversations with your students about big topics like mental health, technology use, bullying, and more. Use these pdfs to dive deeper with your students. Download them here.

We love to have fun at RSM! Pick up a hard copy from the RSM room on Sundays or Wednesdays so you don't miss any of our special events. Download our latest calendar here.